Bohemia Interactive at INVEX Digitex

This year Bohemia Interactive will participate Game Life conference at
Fairs of Information Technologies and Consumer Electronics INVEX -
DIGITEX staged from 23 - 27 October 2007 at the Brno Exhibition Center.
- Tuesday, Oct 23, 2007, 10 - 11.15 CET
Jan Hovora: ARMA2 and ARMA: Armed Assault Technology
- ARMA2 and ARMA: Armed Assault technology differences
- Engine enhancements
- DX10 support
- PS 3.0
- Multiprocessing
- Advanced lighting model
- Animation system
- AI and new design features
- Wednesday, Oct 24, 2007, 10 - 11.15 CET
Stepan Kment and Radim Pech: Character Animation by Motion Capture
- Fast, cheap and real
- Motion capturing demonstration
- Data processing, character animation
- More info at BIS Professional website
- Thursday, Oct 25, 2007, 10 - 11.15 CET
Jan Hovora: ARMA2 Gameplay
- New design features
- Dynamic campaign and story
- Micro AI
- RPG elements and conversations
- Multiplayer and community