Bohemia Recap – January 2020
With so many projects and (live) games, it's not always easy to keep track of everything that's happening at Bohemia Interactive. That's why we're introducing Bohemia Recaps – concise blog posts that simply list our key announcements and (public) activities from the past month. So, without further ado, let's start with a recap of January.
Bohemia Interactive
To plot our course for 2020, January still involved a fair bit of planning for all of Bohemia, but we're now pretty much in full production mode.
You might have noticed that we started to post more frequently to our Bohemia social channels on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Do make sure to follow us there if you aren't already.
In January, we also joined the Lunar New Year celebrations over on Steam, with festive discounts on our entire catalog of games. As a result, we were pleased to be welcoming so many new players to our games!
Bohemia's Top Tweet in January:
On January 13 we released the smaller 1.2.1 update for Vigor. It introduced a bunch of fixes and tweaks, and you can find more information in the update's changelog.
Right now we're on the verge of releasing our next major update, which will start off our second season, titled "Hunters". Last week we already dropped a short teaser video hinting at some of the new features coming to the game (crossbows!). We also released a new Outlander Pack.
Vigor's Top Tweet in January:
A few days ago we released a major update for Ylands, better known as Update 1.1: Eastern Endeavors. Some of the highlights include the new (Far East) biome, a new animal with particularly big feet, improvements to farming, new recipes, a mini-game that involves sheep and aliens, and more. Read the latest Dev Diary for a first-hand update report by our very own Major General, or examine the full changelog on the Ylands forums.
Additionally, we've continued releasing new episodes in our Editor tutorial series. We hope these videos will help you get started with the Editor so you'll soon be building mini-games of your own. Here's the series' YouTube Playlist.
Ylands' Top Tweet in January:
In December last year we released the Livonia DLC and game update 1.06. This was a big milestone for us, and brought in/back a lot of players. Of course, since then many of you were wondering what's next for DayZ. Although some developers were reassigned to new projects, we still have a smaller team – consisting of seasoned developers across various departments – fully assigned to supporting the game in 2020. Our current aim is to release about 5 updates this year. DayZ's newly appointed Project Lead, Adam "Sumrak" Franců, shared a new blog post with more insights into our development plans for 2020.
DayZ's Top Tweet in January:
Arma 3
2020 started off well for Arma 3 with a Free Week and sale. It was a great opportunity for all Steam users to try out the game as well as the Arma 3 Apex expansion.
In January we released a first update for the Workshop beta of the Arma 3 Apex: Old Man singleplayer scenario. Unfortunately, the updated version of this scenario is not compatible with save games from the previous version. For that reason, we plan to release only a few larger beta updates, and we'll make sure to announce these in advance. For future reference, Lead Designer Jaroslav "Zozo" Kašný shared a forum post with instructions on how you might still finish a playthrough even when a future update is released.
It's been a while since we last posted a status update on Arma 3 development, and so it was about time for another SITREP. This devblog should provide a good overview of where things stand and what's happening behind-the-scenes with regards to Arma 3 live support, modding documentation, Creator DLC, and more.
Meanwhile, Arma 3's new Community Manager, Niles "Nillers" George, has continued our series of mini-interviews with prominent community members, posting Community Profiles on Ceb.Cin and R0adki11. He also prepared a new Community Radar, in which he reports on various activity within the Arma 3 community.
Arma 3's Top Tweet in January:
What else?
Besides all of this, we're continuing work on Mini DayZ 2 (check out the latest dev update), and we're glad to be making good progress with the development of our new Enfusion engine. For now, we hope you enjoyed this quick January overview, and we plan to be back with a Recap of February in just a few weeks.
Take care!