Humble Bundle 2020: Buy games, support charity.
Bohemia Interactive is delighted to announce that it has once again joined forces with Humble Bundle to offer a wide selection of its most treasured games (and DLC!) for an incredible value bundle! Included are Arma 3, DayZ, and Ylands, as well as a whole lot more. The bundle will be available August 4th - 18th 2020, and offers a variety of games worth over $318, for those wanting to go all-in on everything Bohemia.
Pay more than $1 and you'll bag yourself Arma X: Anniversary Edition, Take On Mars, Carrier Command: Gaea Mission, Take On Helicopters as well as the family friendly fairy tale game Father Frost.
Opt to spend just a little more than the average of $14 and you'll get your hands on PC's premier military gaming experience, Arma 3, Ylands Exploration Pack, UFO: Afterlight, and even Original War (which saw some exciting new love in a recent update).
Pay $20 or more and you can experience Arma 3 in all of its proudly expansive magnificence with the critically-acclaimed Arma 3 Apex expansion, as well as receiving the Arma 3 Jets, Tac-Ops Mission Pack and Marksmen. For the high rollers amongst you, feel like pushing the boat out that little bit further? Pay more than $30 and you'll get Arma 3 Contact and the legendary, groundbreaking, hardcore survival hit, DayZ in the bundle!
All of the funds raised will support both the American Red Cross and Doctors Without Borders. Head over to the Humble Bundle page to find out more.
Buy splendid games, support awesome charities!