Ylands Creators Competition
Celebrate the creativity of the Ylands Creators with our first ever Creators Competition
Creators and players rejoice! The first Creators Competition has arrived.
This two months long friendly competition of your creativity will bring fabulous prizes, amazing new games and an influx of creativity to Ylands!
Creators, both seasoned and new, can submit their games and compositions during the competition - there is no barrier of entry, other than understanding the rules - and the best ones will win thousands of dollars (as well as sweet and unique in-game swag)!
But that's not all! We have tens of thousands of Coyns to award and EVERY. SINGLE. ENTRANT will get a unique hat, to show that they were brave enough to put their creativity in front of the world!
If you are interested, just head on over to the dedicated competition website or to our forums to read about all the details.
And even if you are not interested in creating - you still have tons to look forward to, such as streams, update videos, community updates and of course - tons of new, amazing & creative games from the community!
Give us a follow on any of our social media channels, to make sure you don't miss any competition news!
Enjoy the competition, good luck, have fun & stay classy Ylanders!