Ylands Update 1.1: Eastern Endeavors
Major General's Log - Sun Date 30.01.20.
My Dearest Readers,
I am currently landlocked while repairs on my fair vessel - the HMS Patcheth Noteth - are well underway, in the ports of Steamtown. So I'll take this momentary respite to tell you about the wonders I have seen, while traveling from yland to yland.
I have seen lands that you would not believe - beautiful oriental flora covering entire ylands from head to toe. It was breathtaking! I managed to harvest some of the indigenous trees and took them home with me, I'm planning on using these beautiful exotic trees to decorate my quarters. My stay in this beautiful new biome was unfortunately cut short by the mysterious appearance of a gigantic creature with humongous feet*! It must have been a big foot my Dear Reader...
On a particularly verdant yland, I have met folks who have been engaged in an advanced and improved form of farming - their crops grew in such an orderly fashion, that even Her Majesty's Gardener Primerus would have been amazed! Not a single crop was out of alignment - everything was neat and regular, fields after fields of beautiful farmlands.
Their cooks taught our crew fascinating new recipes - dishes formed of many different ingredients, that when eaten, boost the fighting abilities of our crew**.
On another yland, local kids introduced me to numerous new mini-games. In one, they pretend to be saving sheep from alien abductions - I never seen anything like that. Yet another have them cleaning up their forests - useful AND fun! We are definitely bringing some of these back to Playlands.
On the final yland we have seen - the tribal chieftain was wearing a weird metallic costume I have never seen in my life before - they called it "the mighty robotic copper of the elders".
This tech-savy ingenious tribe also told us secrets about what they are calling The Editor. We didn't fully grasp the meaning of it all, but what we know is that the tribe is constantly working on improvements to this Editor - and recently they made several breakthroughs such as a brand new scene and template wizard. They are saying, this new wizard will make it significantly easier to get started with the Editor and will "streamline the creation process of games".
As you can tell my Dearest Readers, there is always something new on the horizon - so I invite you to hop aboard your own vessel (Steam, Windows Store, iOS, Android) - free of charge - and discover what these Ylands have in store for you!
Until next time,
Yours truly,
Stay classy,
The Major General
*: And funnily enough this time it wasn't my mother-in-law coming in for her bi-monthly visit...thankfully.
**: They might be even better than a steak and ale pie with mushy peas!