Inviting all fans of Arma 3 and DayZ to get down and dirty with playable builds at Gamescom 2013!


Bohemia Interactive, announces today that eager fans can get their hands on two of the most eagerly anticipated in development titles of 2013!

Bohemia Interactive will be in attendance at Gamescom 2013 in Cologne, Germany from the 21st August 2013 through to the 25th August 2013. There will be a publicly accessible booth in Hall 9.1 (booth 32), where eager gamers can have the opportunity to play both Arma 3 and the DayZ Standalone. Entrance to our stand is freely open to everyone over the age of 16.

APCs roll into the Arma 3 Beta

Calling in the support of two extra vehicles and the BattlEye anti-cheat engine, Bohemia Interactive today released a major new update for the Arma 3 Beta. The ‘APC Package’ adds the BTR-K Kamysh and IFV-6c Panther, while the integration of BattlEye (BE) aims to improve the Beta’s MP experience.

New update (1.06) for Carrier Command: Gaea Mission

Bohemia Interactive has released a major new update for Carrier Command: Gaea Mission on Windows PC. Featuring various game fixes and revisions, patch 1.06 delivers an improved Walrus AI (pathfinding and assisting), plus implements the option to start the Strategy Campaign with all technology available. The complete overview of changes can be found in the changelog provided in the update’s Readme file.