Take On Helicopters: Hinds!

Smoking guns and spinning rotor blades – Bohemia Interactive has announced the first official DLC for Take On Helicopters: Take On Helicopters: Hinds.

Shifting focus to a more combat-oriented experience, Take On Helicopters: Hinds puts players in the seat of the most iconic and revolutionary military gunship ever: the Hind.

Take On Samples & Templates!

Take On Mod-Making - A sample model and livery templates for all 3 helicopter classes in Take On Helicopters are now available for those who are looking to create their own helicopter!

The sample model can be used in Oxygen 2, Bohemia Interactive's free modeling tool, to create custom helicopter models. The livery templates are available as PSD files and can be used to 'skin' either the light, medium or heavy class helicopters.

New screenshots of Carrier Command: Gaea Mission

Prague, Czech Republic, Wednesday 25 January 2012

Incoming transmission - Bohemia Interactive has sent 11 new screenshots of Carrier Command: Gaea Mission into orbit.

The game went a little quiet after the GamesCom in Cologne last summer, but as Executive Producer Jan Kunt explains: "We've been working hard on getting all of the game's pillars in place. Now everything is coming together, we're excited to convey the Carrier Command experience and share our enthusiasm for the game."