Take On Editing!

One of the 'goals' we set ourselves with Take On Helicopters was to find ways of better engaging the player. It's quite a broad goal, and it can be approached in a number of ways. Some of these, we've discussed in the past - like new animation work or gathering new source audio; others, like the Career Mode, provide a great structured way of presenting helicopters and drawing in the player. However, as with our Tutorials or Challenges, it would appear to be an ultimately finite experience - at some point you'll 'finish'. Not so: that's where the Editor really comes into its own.

TAKE ON Security

Prague, Czech Republic November 09th - Bohemia Interactive, the award-winning independent Czech development studio, is lifting the lid on a rarely discussed topic, copy protection.

On October 27th we released the initial digital launch version of Take On Helicopters to digital distribution partners around the world, we’re very proud of the title not only because it’s a departure from the military games we’ve worked on in the past but also in how it combines storytelling with realistic helicopter flight mechanics, it was the result of a lot of thought and many long hours of hard work.

TAKE ON at Flight Simmers Weekend and Take On Patch

Prague, Czech Republic November 04th - Bohemia Interactive, the award-winning independent Czech development studio, is excited to announce that key team members from the Take On Helicopters development team will be at the 2011 Flight Simmers Weekend in Holland.

This weekend, a couple of the Take On Helicopters design team are heading down to The Netherlands to demonstrate Take On Helicopters, as part of FSWeekend 2011! The event welcomes enthusiastic flight-simmers to the Aviodrome at Lelystad Airport on November 5th & 6th, 2011. Project Lead (and proud Dutch national), Joris-Jan van ‘t Land will travel along with Executive Producer, Lukáš Miláček, and demonstrate Take On at the Simware Simulations booth. The guys will be using a full version of the Flight Link system, so if you’d like to step into the cockpit, head on down! More details about the event to be found on the official website of the event, and the aviodrome.