We are Bohemia Interactive - an independent video game and publishing studio established in 1999. Our tradition of success is based on listening to our players’ feedback and creating open and immersive worlds they can customize and use to communicate with gaming communities around the world.

Bohemia Interactive's philosophy is based on three pillars - Creativity, Curiosity, and Community. These three C's are reflected in the work of over 400 colleagues, who are spread across six offices and three countries (Czechia, Thailand, and the Netherlands). As an independent studio, we uphold the principles of creative freedom and freedom of expression, both inside and outside our company.

We left our mark on millions of gamers in 2001 with our first hit, Arma: Cold War Crisis. The series of open-world army simulations, along with its endless modding possibilities, continued with Arma (2006), Arma 2 (2009), and Arma 3 (2013). Preparations for Arma 4 are currently underway. Players are able to directly influence the sequel’s development via Arma Reforger (2022). Arma Reforger serves as a playable demonstration of our new and proprietary Enfusion engine, as well as a platform for collecting players’ feedback.

We continued making a name for ourselves in 2018 with DayZ, a title that defined the genre of open-world survival multiplayer games and continues to enjoy substantial success. Bringing the DayZ game world to mobile devices in the form of the Mini DayZ series has also been a great success. 

Meanwhile, console gamers are drawn to our multiplayer game Vigor (2019), which is set in an alternate reality of post-war Norway. Players of all ages are also intrigued by our creative sandbox platform Ylands, which was released in 2019. A special version of Ylands called Ylands EDU will be used in the future to teach game design, programming, and scripting in schools.

Finally, fans of realistic flight simulations can enjoy our Take on Helicopters series which began in 2011. Our portfolio of games also includes Carrier Command (2012), in which players take command of a futuristic aircraft carrier, and Take on Mars (2013), which transports players to the Red Planet. 

We use the most advanced technologies while developing our titles and we own the best equipped motion capture studio in central Europe. The development of our own game engines is also unique. The Real Virtuality engine served as the heart of our Arma series for quite some time. Its numerous qualities were also appreciated by the US and UK armed forces, who used the VBS training platform developed by Bohemia Interactive Simulations. We officially introduced our new multi-platform Enfusion engine in 2021. It’s been designed to meet the most demanding requirements for creating future games at Bohemia Interactive. We also work with Unity and Unreal Engine. Our games are available on PC, Xbox, PlayStation and the Nintendo Switch, as well as iOS and Android.

Our studio is also home to the Bohemia Incubator - a project that allows us to develop interesting ideas from our employees, as well as from smaller, independent game studios and individuals. Our help is focused on technology and development, along with publishing and marketing.

Our Creator DLC program enables third-party developers to earn financial rewards by creating unique new content for Arma 3.   

War simulation comprises the core of our games. They depict war as it is, without exaggeration or idealization. Our games do not shy away from the complex issues that impact war’s most vulnerable group – innocent civilians. We try to educate players by explaining that something as horrible as war has its own rules, which are essential to protect the health, lives, and property of civilians. That’s why we also work closely with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). Our Laws of War DLC for Arma 3, for example, was developed with civilians very much in mind. Proceeds from the DLC’s sales have contributed to ICRC activities in war-affected areas.

Bohemia Interactive won the 2001 Best PC Game Developer award at London’s ECTS exhibition, Rookie Studio of the Year award at GDC 2002, and the Independent Studio 2014 award at the Develop Awards in Brighton.

Operační program Podnikání a inovace


Společnost BOHEMIA INTERACTIVE a.s. realizuje v rámci programu ICT v podnicích – Výzvy III projekt 2.2 ITP03/737 „Nový informační systém". Program je součástí OPPI, jehož řídícím orgánem je Ministerstvo průmyslu a obchodu ČR. Projekt je realizován za finanční spoluúčasti EU – Evropského fondu pro regionální rozvoj (ERDF).

Evropský fond pro regionální rozvoj
Operační program Podnikání
a inovace pro konkurenceschopnost

V rámci Operačního programu Podnikání a inovace pro konkurenceschopnost realizujeme projekt:
„Vývoj herní e-sports aplikace ARGO č. CZ.01.4.04/0.0/0.0/15_005/0002075“
Projekt je spolufinancován Evropským fondem pro regionální rozvoj a Ministerstvem průmyslu a obchodu. Cílem projektu je vývoj taktické online hry pro více hráčů, s možností týmové hry a spolupráce, využitelné též pro e-sports. Tím usilujeme o navázání na úspěšné předchozí projekty společnosti, rozvoj nové technologie, rozšíření působnosti do žánru e-sports a oslovení širší uživatelské základny.

Evropský fond pro regionální rozvoj
Operační program Podnikání
a inovace pro konkurenceschopnost

Společnost BOHEMIA INTERACTIVE a.s. realizuje projekt s názvem Výzkum a vývoj herního SW prostředí Projekt Chiméra ve společnosti Bohemia Interactive, jehož cílem je výzkum a vývoj nového herního prostředí. Výsledkem projektu bude software – nové herní softwarové prostředí Projekt Chiméra, které představuje výraznou inovaci na poli herního průmyslu. Na tento projekt je poskytována finanční podpora od Evropské unie v rámci Operačního programu Podnikání a inovace pro konkurenceschopnost.